Where are harvested items stored?
Harvested items are stored in the barn. Barn storage is limited.
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Can I harvest multiple crops at a time?
You can harvest multiple crops at a time by dragging the combine or crate across the row of fields. You must start at the field that was selected. You can harvest multiple kinds of crops or multiple kinds of orchards and berry bushes at one
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How do I harvest my crops?
Tapping on a ready to harvest field will bring up the combine or crate icon will display. Tap and drag to harvest.
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How do I know when crops are ready for harvest?
Crops, orchards and berry bushes will bounce when they are ready to be harvested.
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How can I be more efficient with watering?
Equipment upgrades can be purchased that improve and automate the watering process. The ability to purchase equipment upgrades is unlocked as you level up.
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How do I add nutrients?
Tapping on the crop that requires nutrients will bring up the nutrients icon. Tap and drag to apply nutrients.
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Where are crafted items stored?
Crafted items are stored in the barn. Barn storage is limited.
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How do I know what is needed to craft something?
The cost, crafting time, and required ingredients are listed with the crafting item.
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How do I craft new foods?
To craft an new item, go to the mill, plant, or restaurant where the crafting will occur. Tap and drag the item you wish to make into one of the empty crafting slots. A timer will then begin to countdown. Once time is up, you
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